Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog for Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Please

Think about these two questions and begin to formulate your responses to them; I would like you to keep these questions in mind as your read Winterson since I think they are important but difficult questions. I hope to discuss them with you both before and after Spring Break.

1. Why does Winterson title the chapters using the Old Testament instead of the New Testament?
Also, please note, she follows the Old Testament Order until after the penultimate chapter when she skips many books and jumps all the way to the Scroll of Ruth.Why does Winterson do this?

2.Examine the bipartite structure of this text as it is divided between the plot of Little Jeanette's life story and a fantasy, fairy-tale-like-myth. For example, see pages 9-10 in the first chapter, pages 61-67 in the third chapter, and pages 112-113, etc. Why does Winterson structure this text in such a manner? Does this structure work? Take one or two of the mythic sections and explain why it is essential to the chapter? Why couldn't the themes of those sections have been integrated into the plot in some other way? Please explain.

Please be aware there are no "right" answers to the above questions, but in order to respond to the questions, especially to #2, you need to spend some time thinking. After doing so, please create your own argument for why you believethe book is structured the way it is. What are the virtues of such a structure? What insights does this structure offer that could not be offered otherwise?

I look forward to your posts.